Client Testimonial: Online Competition Prep Package
Jen Wade – Atlanta, GA
“Even though competition prep is a meal/training plan that you can’t sustain year round, SHAUNNA.MARIE taught me how to fuel my body for life.”
How would you describe your experience working with SHAUNNA.MARIE?
Honestly, words cannot express my gratitude for SHAUNNA.MARIE. I started prepping for my competition by myself but wasn’t losing any weight or seeing any results and after following her on Instagram and Facebook I decided that I needed a coach. At this point I only had 8 weeks left and most competitors prep for at LEAST 12 weeks. The reason I chose her was first and foremost because of her glutes! I wanted a SHAUNNA.MARIE booty (which I now have). Ultimately though I chose Shaunna because she has a very natural and healthy approach. I didn’t want an extreme low carb diet that once I was off of I would gain everything back. I wanted to be able to maintain my results post competition with the understanding that a few pounds would come back due to water weight and slightly increasing my calories. To be honest, I didn’t know if I would do well with online coaching but it was just like having someone here. With weekly and sometimes biweekly check-ins, Shaunna was able to monitor my progress quickly. I was amazed at how little tweaks she would make in my meal plan or training would spark dramatic changes in less than a week.
In addition to my meal plan and training, Shaunna provided me with competition expertise, suit advice, posing, and show day prep. I am on the east coast and since SHAUNNA.MARIE is in California, this meant that she was up at 1AM waiting for me to email her pics and she stayed up throughout my morning (her night) in order to be available for me. She didn’t have to do this, but she wanted to! You won’t get that anywhere else. It just doesn’t happen. Not only is she an amazing coach, she is a competitor herself and that makes a huge difference. Competition prep can be mentally and physically exhausting but she always had tips and tricks for me to get past it, in addition to always making me remember how far I had come. My goal during this comp prep was to have fun and get in the best shape of my life. Because of Shaunna, I exceeded that and won my bikini competition in both classes and won my pro card in my federation.
What was your favorite part about working with SHAUNNA.MARIE?
My favorite part about working with SHAUNNA.MARIE was the fact that she is an all natural gal. I don’t use artificial sugars and fake ingredients. I try to give my body the best fuel that I can and since that is the way that Shaunna lives her life, it was so much easier to incorporate her comp prep into my day to day life. On top of that, I have a TON of food allergies and am a vegetarian. Since SHAUNNA.MARIE has experience with food allergies and intolerances, she was able to work around those and create a comp prep to work around that. I also LOVED the fact that I had carbs, awesome carbs, everyday even on show day. My brain doesn’t function without carbs, let alone my body so this was a huge deal for me. In fact, at one point she increased my carbs and I dropped weight. You gotta love that, right?
How has being a client of SHAUNNA.MARIE impacted your life?
SHAUNNA.MARIE has changed my life. Before my competition, I thought I was eating healthy. I thought just because I had a big bowl of fruit that it was healthy, but it turns out that while fruit is healthy, it has a time and a place. Even though comp prep is a meal/training plan that you can’t sustain year round, SHAUNNA.MARIE taught me how to fuel my body for life. It will be a month this Saturday since my competition and I am only 3-4 pounds over my stage weight.
SHAUNNA.MARIE worked with me post comp to ensure that I reverse dieted so that I could rev my metabolism while slowly increasing carbs and calories. This was by far the most important part of my competition. Many competitors gain up to 10 pounds or more post show due to cheat meals. I didn’t want all of my hard work to go to waste. Because of my reverse dieting, I will be able to maintain a better weight and body fat so that when I compete again in my first pro show, the prep will be much easier. Much of the “weight” that I have gained since my competition can be attributed to water weight. Even through the holidays, I will continue the zip-lock life while finding an improvement season balance.
With all of the tools Shaunna has given me, I will never start over again. She has changed my life in so many ways and because of her this year was my year. I cannot emphasize how important it is to have a coach guiding you through your fitness or weight loss journey. Even coaches have coaches because sometimes we are our own worst critics. You need someone to guide you. The best piece of advise that I would give you while beginning your comp prep, new meal plan, or training, would be to TRUST THE PROCESS! If you follow the plan, your body will make the changes. Don’t let your mind get in the way. Thank you Shaunna for your incredible advise, support, and for being such an amazing coach! I can’t wait for the next show!