I think being successful at anything requires a strong “why” behind it. I’m frequently asked “how I stay motivated”, or “what keeps me going” and my answer is simple: my “why” is so deeply meaningful to me.

My career in the fitness industry began in February 2013. I’ll never forget taking my first photos and how I felt in that moment. Frustrated, upset, and honestly hopeless for the first time in my life. I went from being gluten-intolerant and lactose-intolerant, to not being able to eat anything without being in severe pain. I’m talking pain so severe that I would wake up crying and couldn’t get out of bed some days.
At that time I was in college finishing up a bachelor’s degree and I was working full time. My life started revolving around doctor and hospital visits for testing, with no answers. The last gastroenterologist I saw gave me a generic diagnosis of IBS, and prescribed me medication to stop the spasms in my stomach, told me I needed to stop working out, and that holding a career would be near impossible for me. I remember that day so clearly responding with “but why?” His answer was that “unfortunately it was just the card I was dealt”. I left that day in tears. I refused to believe I was a 25 year old that couldn’t finish school or hold a job. I had so many goals and dreams and refused to resort to medication and just give up.

I took the exact opposite approach from what I was told and vowed to beat what I was faced with by making my body strong, and my mind even stronger. The gym became my “therapy”. The harder I worked, the better I felt. Getting through an intense workout numbed the physical pain I was in and made me feel strong.
I immersed myself in research to find answers behind the pain I was in. I wasn’t interested in just treating symptoms with medication, I wanted to treat the actual problem. I ended up stumbling across a blog post written by a girl who described having similar symptoms to myself. She explained having low stomach acid, and how ACV before each meal helped her by stimulating stomach acid to properly digest food. I followed exactly what she said and I was in shock. For the first time in over a year I was pain free. I immediately reached out to her to let her know how much she impacted my life. I realized in that moment that I had the ability to help others too and started sharing my own journey.

I’m the type of person that if you tell me I can’t do something, I’m going to do it. I made the decision to enter my first NPC bikini competition. Getting up on stage was a true celebration of what I overcame. From being told I needed to stop working out, to literally being able to take it to the highest level, was a moment I’ll never forget.
Fitness “saved my life” and for that reason I am extremely passionate about it. The physical progress is amazing, but the best part about it is the mental strength that you gain. Today I dedicate my days to giving others the strength I’ve gained through fitness. The ability to transform others’ lives through proper nutrition and training is a blessing to me. Online coaching has allowed me to work with both clients of all ages across the US and Internationally.
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, learn bettering eating habits, or just looking to build confidence – I have a plan to get you there. Email me today to get started! Shaunna@shaunnamarie.com

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