Client Testimonial: Online Competition Prep Package
Lauren Keating – Boston, MA
“I always felt that Shaunna was invested in my process and overall experience, as if my success and accomplishment was just as much hers at it was mine.”
Describe your experience working with SHAUNNA.MARIE.
Just like everyone else when you decide to enter the world of fitness competing you have to start somewhere. Arguably the most important part of the process aside from your personal commitment is who will be the person to coach you through each aspect from day one of prep to show day. I could not have asked for a better person to be that coach and guide for me but Shaunna. My overall experience was positive to say the least. Shaunna always treated me as a priority, answering my every question or concern about training or food, helping me to firm up my posing routine and finding the right suite and color as well as makeup and hair for my show day. I always felt that Shaunna was invested in my process and overall experience, as if my success and accomplishment was just as much hers at it was mine. The fact that she is actually educated and certified in training, knowledgeable about supplements, and has competed numerous times herself also speaks volumes to her credibility.
What was your favorite part about prepping for your first bikini competition with SHAUNNA.MARIE?
I can’t identify a single thing what was my favorite part about prepping for my first show with Shaunna. I’d have to say that my overall experience was so positive it would be difficult to pick just one thing. Ultimately on the day of my show I knew that in that moment I was my best- I knew I had received the best coaching, the right meal and supplement tweaks throughout my 12 week prep, and the most impactful training plan and small edits along to way to enable me to achieve the best results. In the end I didn’t have a single regret and I felt I had been taken through my process in the most effective way possible. And that all was thanks to Shaunna.
Transitioning out of a competition prep plan into an offseason plan can be mentally hard. How has SHAUNNA.MARIE helped you do so?
I would agree that transitioning out of competition prep in fact IS mentally difficult. I’d also say that having the appropriate guidance to make that transition is absolutely key. Shaunna worked with me on a plan to work me out of competition prep, preparing a plan for me starting the day after my show to help me effectively add foods and rest days back into my regimen. It is very common for competitors to either attempt to stay in “competition shape” after a show OR swing the other way and completely binge and give into cravings after a strict 12 weeks on plan. I’ll be honest in saying I was nervous about both, but by continuing to work with Shaunna to help me transition ultimately gave me the peace of mind that I was making healthy choices and got me to a place where I still felt confident in my physique and appearance while achieving balance and a path forward.
How has being a continued client of SHAUNNA.MARIE impacted your life?
I’ve been one of Shaunna’s clients consistently for over two years now and I honestly forget what my day to day was like before then. Working with Shaunna has had such a profound impact on my life in so many positive ways. I love having purpose in the everyday things I do- grocery shopping and preparing meals I know are healthy for me and will help me to achieve my goals; walking into the gym with the confidence, ability, and purpose of making myself better; getting dressed in the morning feeling good in my clothes and being confident in the person in the mirror. When you are able to find passion in living a healthy and fit lifestyle and find someone to help you in doing so while also striking balance you truly are able to see purpose and result in all that you do.
What is the most valuable thing SHAUNNA.MARIE has taught you?
Aside from the immediate thoughts around physical progress and appearance, I have learned some very valuable “lessons” if you will from working with Shaunna. If I were to analyze each of them and find a common outcome I would ultimately land on confidence. I am a more confident person today than I have ever been before and far more so than before my journey began with Shaunna. I am confident in the choices I make when it comes to nutrition and fitness, confident in the way I look in a bikini or some skin tight jeans, confident in the fact that I can take a weekend off or go on vacation and still make decent choices but most importantly that it doesn’t mean I have fallen off track. Self-confidence is something we are all striving for and I can honestly say my experience working with Shaunna and all I have learned from her has been a key element in finding that in myself.
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